PL-Perl Script File

What is a PL File?

A PL file of source code is a file produced in the Perl Programming Language. For the construction of websites and text manipulation, the high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language Perl seems to be rather suitable. System managers and developers routinely choose this program because of its flexibility and the large suite of built-in features.

A file ending in the extension contains a set of Perl instructions meant for use by an interpreter. plural. The Perl syntax allows comments, control structures, subroutines, and variables to be included within the directions. The code found in the file is compiled and run at execution.

To open a file denominated by the, you will require a text editor capable of changing Perl code. Popular text editors that can edit Perl code include notables like Vim, Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Atom. An integrated development environment (IDE) will also let one open files with the extension. pl. Komodo IDE from ActiveState is one of the well-known integrated programming environments (IDE).

Where may I find the PL File?

Opening the. pl file will let you review and change the Perl code housed within it. The code can be run using a Perl interpreter such as ActivePerl or Strawberry Perl. These are both choices accessible. To achieve this, create a command prompt window and then go to the directory with the pl file. Press the enter key following that to write “per filename. pl,” where “filename” is the name of the. pl, file on your computer. Executed on this will be the code included in the. pl file.

Finally, a file bearing the extension. pl is a source code file created on a Perl computer language. Open file by using a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) able to edit Perl code. Following file opening, you will be able to view and modify the code, accordingly. To execute the code, one can use a Perl interpreter such as Active Perl or Strawberry Perl.

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