DSS – Digital Speech Standard

.DSS File and How to Open .DSS File?

A DSS file is a digital audio file created with the Digital Speech Standard (DSS) format, which is primarily used for storing audio recordings. It is often used to record and store dictations, and is supported by some digital dictation applications. DSS files are typically much smaller than other audio file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3, making them ideal for storing large audio recordings.

In order to open and view a DSS file, you’ll need to use an application that supports the DSS format. There are several software programs available for both Windows and Mac platforms that support DSS files, including Olympus DSS Player, Philips DSS Player, and DSS Converter. Some of these programs are free, while others may require a purchase.

Once you’ve installed the appropriate software, opening a DSS file is easy. In most cases, you can simply double-click the file to open it in the application. Depending on the software, you may also be able to open the file by right-clicking it and selecting “Open With” and then selecting the appropriate application.

DSS files are not compatible with all audio players. If you need to convert the file to a different format, such as .WAV or .MP3, you can use a file converter program to do so. There are several free and paid options available, such as Switch Audio File Converter and Zamzar.

Once you’ve converted the file, you can open it in any audio player that supports the new format.

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